Wednesday, February 25, 2009

2009 Woo Hoo!

So, a new year's resolution for more! Yikes, November? The year has been off to a great start with auditions and callbacks for 90210, CSI:Miami, iCarly, J.O.N.A.S...yes, a pilot about the Jonas brothers (cue screaming teenage girls...and probably some boys), and commercial auditions for Altoids and Chilis (respectively) and a hosting gig for ABC called Buzz hunters where it's TMZ basically for ABC shows and stars.
I'm thankful!
Alas, lots of callbacks and no bookings yet, but almost all of the TV offices were ones I haven't seen yet so that's exciting.
If you don't know, 2 of my girlfriends from comedy class and I have started shooting our own shorts and are currently building our own website to host them.
We're in the process of creating our production company- The Dollsquad- a call back to a 1970's Charlie's Angels parody movie.
Our first venture has been two episodes of The Real Housewives of Spittula, Arkansas....lots of spandex, kiddie pools and cigarettes. If you're interested now, just you wait! ;) Anyway, we're finishing the final edit of Ep 2 this week and hope to have our website up by the end of March.
It's good to be busy!